10 Best Web, Mobile and System Development Companies in Singapore to Build Customised Systems with Process Automation

Business websites and desktop applications have been proven to help businesses establish an online brand presence, improve customer engagement, and increase lead generation. 

However, a dedicated company web system makes data sharing, collaboration, centralising information easier and more manageable. Not only is it an excellent way for businesses to improve their communication and operations, it also has lower development costs than a website, is accessible anywhere, easy to install and maintain, and can adapt to changing workloads.

This article explains how a web system can benefit your business, how it is created, and how to collaborate with a web developer to create a solution that works.

To find out how a smart and secure web system is created, check out the package offers of the best website and system development companies in Singapore.

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How to Choose Web, Mobile and System Development Services That Ensure the Best User Experience

Web system development provides advantages to businesses, including improved communication, collaboration, and branding. In addition, developing a web system can be an effective method to upgrade marketing campaigns and provide valuable experience for better advertising and customer service.

With Singapore having one of the highest internet penetration rates in Southeast Asia as of 2020 according to Statista, companies in the country would be remiss to not take advantage of having a well-developed site to reach more customers and expand their business.

Digitisation has had a huge impact on the transformation of business models in Singapore, especially with the incorporation of e-payments and e-invoicing. According to Statista’s figures on the impact of COVID-19 on businesses, online purchase behaviour incentivised the speed of digitalisation to meet consumer demand. However, no two platforms are the same and each business has a unique set of requirements for its systems, databases, connections, data gathering and processing, and booking. Therefore, business model that cannot fit into an average system needs a custom web system.

What is a web system?

What is a Web System?

A web system is a platform used for delivering content and applications over the internet. It typically includes a web server, a database, and application programs that allow users to access and input data. Web systems can range from simple static websites to complex dynamic applications. They can be developed using a variety of programming languages and technologies and deployed on various platforms.

In recent years, the term "web system" has come to be used more broadly to refer to any system accessible through the web, including mobile apps, desktop applications, and even internet-connected home and office devices. In this context, "system" refers to a set of components that work together to achieve a common goal.

It also describes applications that have a small solution component loaded into the client device. The server for the system is hosted locally or can be accessed via the internet. It works with various web development features to create a secure and reliable environment for controlling and managing data flow.

Web servers are responsible for handling client requests and bringing the requested content or resources. They typically use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol to communicate with clients but may also support other protocols, such as Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security.

Databases store the data the system uses, and web applications provide the functionality that users interact with. Both databases and web applications can be built using various programming languages and technologies.

Web systems can be deployed on different platforms, including shared hosting, virtual private servers, and dedicated servers. They can also be deployed in the cloud, using cloud-based infrastructures.  

Benefits of website and system development for business

Benefits of Website and System Development for Business

Developing a web system can have many benefits for businesses, including:

Wider Reach

A web system can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection, which gives businesses the potential to reach a global audience. Furthermore, web systems are consistently functionable across all operating systems and are compatible with most browsers. Not only is this beneficial for customers but also for employees in flexible work setups.

Improved Efficiency

A well-designed web system can improve the efficiency of business processes by automating tasks and providing users with easy-to-use tools. Rollouts and upgrades are simple procedures, with several processes capable of running simultaneously if needed. If the server needs to be replaced for example, there is no downtime because the task does not impact the entire operating system.

Lower Costs

Developing a web system can be less expensive than a traditional desktop application and save businesses money on licensing fees.

Enhanced Flexibility

A web system can be easily updated to meet businesses' changing needs. Its content is readily adapted for various platforms including mobile devices. It is also sensitive to browser changes compared to custom desktop programs. Instead of requiring individual installation on each device, there is an option to access the web-based system via the internet.

Better Customer Service

It can provide customers with 24/7 access to information and services and offer self-service options. Consolidated data is safe to access, security measures are implemented centrally, and users have direct access whenever needed. The web systems are also easy to integrate, ensuring that your team has access to functions that streamline tasks.

Increased Sales

It can increase the visibility of a business and its products or services and provide a platform for selling online. Online programs such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are built with web-based languages that are easy to produce. The results from the final product are produced fast without compromising a well-designed system with a clear concept and vision. The initial positive impression made on customers will allow you to retain and gain your leads

The web development process explained

The Web Development Process Explained

The development of web systems has come a long way since the early days of the internet. Before, most websites were static, and content was typically added manually by developers. This approach was time-consuming and cumbersome, and it quickly became apparent that a more efficient method was needed.

Today, web development is a complex process involving various technologies and approaches. However, the basic principles remain the same: to provide users with an easy-to-use interface for interacting with data and functionality.


When developing a web system, there are generally four main phases: gathering requirements, designing the system, implementing the system, and deploying the system.

In the first development phase, requirements must be gathered from all stakeholders. This includes understanding what the system needs to do, who will use it, and in what environment it will be deployed. Once all the requirements have been gathered, they must be analysed and prioritised based on the business objectives.

The next phase is design. In this phase, the system is designed based on the requirements gathered in the previous phase. This includes the overall architecture of the system and the specific components that make up the system. The website is mapped out and a wireframe is generated for desktop and mobile versions before the system is designed.

The third phase is implementation. In this phase, the system is built based on the design created in the previous phase. This includes coding and testing the system to ensure that it meets all requirements. Original content is also planned, authored, and edited. Content may include videos, images, product or service information, and testimonials.

The fourth and final phase is deployment. The system is finally deployed into production and made available to users in this phase. This includes ensuring the system is configured correctly, and all necessary data is migrated over. Validators are used to confirm that the codes are within the standards set during the first stage. Accessibility, mobile responsiveness, broken links, and device incompatibilities are also tested.

The above four phases are the general steps in developing a web system. However, it is important to note that each project is unique and may require additional or different steps depending on its specific needs.


Development is also based on methodologies. These are techniques for managing and developing the web system, serving as a guide for how to carry out ideas, share information, and codify communication. There are a variety of web system development methodologies available today. The most popular ones are Agile, Lean, and Waterfall.

Agile is a very popular methodology that focuses on delivering value early and often. It is very flexible and adaptable, making it ideal for constantly changing projects. However, it can be difficult to manage if not coded correctly.

The Lean methodology focuses on efficiency and waste reduction. It is often used in manufacturing but can also be applied to web development. Lean is a great choice for projects where speed is paramount.

Waterfall is a traditional methodology that focuses on careful planning and execution. Changing course once the project has started is very structured and challenging. However, it can be very effective for large and complex projects.

Principles Technology

During the four phases of development, these 6 principles are observed to ensure the success of the project:

  1. Scalability: The modern web is a constantly evolving platform. To keep up, your web applications need to be built on top of a solid foundation that can accommodate change.
  2. Simplicity: Web applications should be designed with simplicity in mind. This means keeping the user interface clean and uncluttered and the codebase easy to understand and maintain.
  3. Responsiveness: Web applications must be responsive to your users' devices and screen sizes. Designing for mobile first ensures that your application looks great and works well on all devices.
  4. Right Technologies: When building a web application, the correct technologies are selected by determining the coding languages, framework, and libraries that work for the project.
  5. Optimised Performance: Web applications need to be fast and responsive. This means optimising your code for performance and using caching and other techniques to improve the speed of your application.
  6. Security: Web apps need to be secure. Adding security measures ensure that your code is free of vulnerabilities and that your application is protected from attacks.

Types of web system development

Types of Web System Development

Knowing the different types of web system development and their related technologies will help you understand how each development contributes in the building of different web solutions.

Front End Web Development

Front end website development process is converting data to a graphical interface for users to view and interact with, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is how the design and feel of the web system are created. The colours, graphics, and fonts are determined to know how the web system looks across all platforms.

The main challenge for front-end developers is combining the three technologies to work together seamlessly. This can be difficult, as each technology has its syntax, semantics, and quirks. But when done correctly, the result is a beautiful and user-friendly website that makes the user's experience enjoyable.

Backend Development

The backend of a website is responsible for managing the data and functionality of the site. It is usually written in a server-side language such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, or Python. The code connects the server and the website, making the website not only work but allow it to handle data and transactions properly.

The backend developers' job is to ensure that the data is properly stored and retrieved from the database and that the site's functionality is working correctly. They also need to ensure that the front-end and backend are integrated properly, giving users a seamless experience.

Backend development can be challenging, as it requires a good understanding of how different technologies work together. When done properly, its result is a reliable, responsive and accessible website.

Full Stack

Full stack web development encompasses the whole development process of a website or web application from start to finish. It involves both backend and front-end development and everything in between.

Full stack developers can design, develop, deploy, and manage a website or web application on their own. They deeply understand how the different technologies work together and can often find creative solutions to complex problems.

Full stack web design and development can be very challenging, as it requires a broad skillset. However, the result is a website or web application that is robust, scalable, and easy to maintain.

Technology Stack

A technology stack is a collection of software development technologies used to build a website or web application. It typically consists of three parts: client-side, server-side, and database.

The client-side is the part of the website where the user interacts. It includes the design, layout, and front-end code.

The server-side is the part of the website that runs on the web server. It includes the back-end code, database, and server configuration.

The database is where the data for the website is stored. It can be a relational database, such as MySQL, or a NoSQL database.

A technology stack is vital to web development as it helps determine a project's feasibility and the time and cost required to build it.

How a responsive web system design is made

How a Responsive Web System Design is Made

A responsive web design works on multiple devices of different sizes, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. This has become necessary for business websites as more people use mobile devices to browse the internet.

Responsive website creation can be challenging, as you must decide the different screen sizes and resolutions. Additionally, there are a few things to keep in mind when designing a responsive website:

1. Use responsive web design principles, such as the focus on both large and small screens, use of content-based breakpoint, and no hidden content

2. Make sure the website looks good on all devices

3. Test the website on all devices before launch

4. Use a responsive web system design framework or software with adequate HMTL that are assisted by technologies and scripting languages

5. Optimise the website for mobile devices

Some of the techniques used in responsive web system design include using media queries, flexible grids, and responsive images. Media queries determine the width of the user's screen and adjust the layout accordingly. Flexible grids create layouts that can be resized to fit any screen size. Responsive images are images that can be scaled to fit any screen size.

These techniques work together to create a responsive web system design usable on all devices, allowing users to access the system from any device, regardless of size

10 things to consider when developing a website

10 Things to Consider When Developing a Website 

For a successful website development life cycle, the following are taken into consideration:

  1. Goals and Target Audience
    • What do you want your website to achieve? Who is your target audience? Answering these questions will help you determine your website's overall purpose and tone. The goal and target audience are created by conducting market research, determining the methods used by competitors, and leveraging existing customer data.
  2. Simplicity of the Layout
    • A complex website can be confusing and off-putting for users. Stick to simple design elements and layout that are easy to navigate. Simple and functional means that there are clear paths for navigation within the web pages, with the important elements at the front and centre.
  3. Relevant and Up-to-Date Content
    • An outdated content is a sign to users that a website is no longer relevant. Thus, keep your site fresh by regularly adding new, relevant and engaging information. This can be done by targeted content and creating a content schedule.
  4. Use of Visual Elements
    • Too many visuals can be overwhelming and distracting. Use them judiciously to highlight key points and add interest. Important visual elements include a typographic hierarchy that makes content easier to read, images that help tell the story, and consistency in the style and design of each page.
  5. Use of White Space
    • Don’t overcrowd your pages with text and visuals. Leave some “breathing room” to make your content more readable and inviting. White space not only separates different sections on the page but also draws the eye to the main call-to-action.
  6. Use of Colours
    • Colours can influence the mood of your website, so choose ones that are in keeping with the overall tone and message you want to convey. A limited colour palette will feel polished, while adding one key colour helps draw the attention to important elements on the page.
  7. Typography
    • The way typefaces are used can also set the tone of your website. Choose fonts that are easy to read and convey the appropriate mood. Standard fonts with the appropriate size of at least 16 pixels for text input and body fonts are ideal. Limit characters from 40 to 80 per line.
  8. Optimisation for Search Engine Results
    • Make sure your website is designed to make it easy for search engines to find and index your content. An effective content management system will ensure your website stays relevant.
  9. Mobile-Friendliness
    • With more people using mobile devices to access the internet, ensuring your website is designed for everyone is essential. This means having a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes, adding only relevant content with light images, better button size and placement, and a large readable font.
  10. Testing and Feedback
    • Before you launch your website, be sure to test it thoroughly. This includes testing for functionality, design, website content, and usability. Getting feedback from users is also a good idea. Once your website is up and running, continue to monitor it and make changes as needed to ensure it is performing as you want it to.

Skills to look for in a web developer

Skills to Look for in a Web Developer

When looking for a developer, there are a few critical skills you should look for:

  • Technical Expertise

A good developer should have a strong understanding of the technical aspects of web development process, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They should also be familiar with server-side technologies such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Node.js. Web systems are constantly evolving, and new technologies and approaches are continually being developed. As such, website and system developers need to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.

  • Creative Problem-Solving

The developer should be able to think outside the box to come up with creative solutions to complex problems. Having a detailed website development checklist will help you understand the process. They should also be able to adapt to changing requirements and specifications quickly.

  • Strong Communication Skills

A professional web developer should have strong written and verbal communication skills. They should be able to explain their ideas to clients and team members clearly and be open to feedback. The developer must be able to keep you updated with the development process and listen to your feedback.

  • Time Management Skills

Web development services should be able to manage their time effectively and meet deadlines. They should also be able to work well under pressure and handle multiple projects simultaneously. A timeline of the development and an estimated time of completion must be agreed upon before the process starts.

  • Organisational Skills

Web developers should be well organised and able to keep track of all the files and code for a project. They should also be able to find and fix errors quickly. Ask about their process as many factors affect how the clients use the end product. While the technical side of the development is critical, they also have to take into consideration how the product design can be improved.


By understanding the benefits of and the development process of creating a successful web system, your business can reach more customers and ultimately bring in more profit. Reap the rewards of effective online presence with one of our recommended web and system developers in Singapore.

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